Sunday, 15 December 2013

Nowgawan Sadat has got a distinct place in the world for the month of Muharram. Azaadari (mourning for shaheedan-e-karbala) of this town is very famous in the entire world. People come here in the month of Muharram not from India alone but from all over the world.

For Shia people Nowgawan Sadat is a special place. Azaadari starts from the evening before (chaandraat) the first of Muharram. There are four groups (Anjumans) in Nowagawan Sadat which starts their marches (jaloos) across the streets of the town from chaandraat.

And this routine lasts for almost 2 months and 8 days i.e. until eighth of Rabi-ul-Awwal. But from 1st of Muharram till 10th of Muharram, the special programs are organized which are presented by the above mentioned four groups in their own styles. From the 1st till 10th, all the four groups organized there jaloos (marches) from different Azaakhanas (mourning centers). And there is an arrangement of Ashra-e-Majalis (gathering of people) in each Azaakhanas.

Moharram in Nowgawan Sadat

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. On the first day of Muharram, the Islamic New Year is observed by Muslims. The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, and is 11 to 12 days shorter than the solar year. Hence it is a little different from the Gregorian calender that is used in the western nations. When compared with the Gregorian calendar, which is a solar calendar, the lunar month of Muharram shifts from year to year. The month of Muharram is of great religious significance to Islamic people the world over. It is held to be the most sacred of all the months, excluding Ramadan.

Following is the description of various programs from 1st to 10th of Muharram in Nowgawan Sadat.

1st of Muharram:
Anjuman yaadgar husainiOn this day Anjuman-e-Yaadgare Husaini, Nowagawan Sadat and Anjuman-e-Sogware Husaini, Nowgawan Sadat makes their jaloos which starts from Syed Asghar Husain sahib bin Syed Fazal Husain sahib Imambarah, Mohalla Paapdi Talaab. It marches across the streets of entire town and ends at the starting point. After the jaloos there is an arrangement of Tabarruk also. In the front of jaloos there are Marsiyekhawans (people who read Marsiya) and Zuljana (portrait of Imam Husain a.s. horse) and after that there are Alams and Taboots and then there are maatami people.There does not perform any Noha Qwani in this date (Nohe Qwani after stop the Juloos)

2nd of Muharram:

Anjuman AbediaThis day Anjuman-e-Abdiya, Nowgawan Sadat makes their jaloos from Imambarah Hateeli. On this date, Janab Niyaz Haider sahib and his colleagues are the Marsiyekhawans. Behind them there is are Maatami people and this jaloos also marches across the streets of Nowagawan Sadat and then ends at Imambarah. In the end Tabarruk is also distributed.In the front of jaloos there are Marsiyekhawans (people who read Marsiya) and Zuljana (portrait of Imam Husain a.s. horse) and after that there are Alams and Taboots and then there are maatami people.T

3rd Muharram:

Anjuman HaidreeOn this day, Anjuman-e-Haidry and Anjuman-e-Sogware Husaini make their jaloos which starts from Masjid Heenga Wali and marches across the streets of the town and ends at the starting point. On this date Moulana Paigamber and his supporters recites Marsiya.On this day, Anjuman-e-Haidry performs Noh-e-Quani at Mohalla Badi Imli as well as Mohalla Shah Fareed.On this day, Anjuman-e-Haidry followed by many Taboots and Zuljanas.There are many children with Alam in this date.

4th Muharram:
Anjuman Yaadgar-e-HusainiThis day is assigned to Anjuman-e-Yaadgare Husaini and it starts the jaloos from Imambarah Ansaariyan, Mohalla Bangla. On this date, Marsiyakhawan is____________.It marches across the streets of entire town and ends at the starting point. In the end, bread (roti) is distributed as a Tabarruk. In the front there are Marsiyekhawans, Taboots and Zuljana and after that there is jaloos of people who are doing Maatam.Juloos performs Nohe Quani at Mohalla Badi Imli and Mohalla Shah Fareed.Mr. Shoyeb Raza, Taqi Abbas, Ayaz Abbas performs the Nohe on that date.

5th Muharram:
On this day, the jaloos is started by Anjuman-e-Abdiya and Anjuman-e-Sogware Husaini from the Imambarah Daulashaheed. On this date, Marsiyekhawan is _______________ and the jaloos marches across all the streets of the town and it ends at the same place. In the end bread is distributed as Tabarruk.

6th Muharram:

On 6th Muharram, Anjuman-e-Haidry makes their jaloos from Imambarah Pukhta Bangla and in this Marsiyekhawan is _______________. Jaloos marches across the streets of Nowgawan Sadat and ends at the starting point. In the end bread is distributed as a Tabarruk.

7th Muharram:
The jaloos of 7th Muharram ends after two marches. The first march starts from the house of Master Mansoor sahab. In the front there are Marsiyekhawans, Taboots and Zuljana and after that there is jaloos of people who are doing Maatam. On this day, Janab Marghoob Abidi sahab recites a famous nauha “Haye Sitam Haye Haye”. After that this jaloos goes to Mohalla Shafreed where people do the Maatam with blade and challa (ring with a blade). After that the jaloos goes to Mohalla Bazaar where Maatam-e-Zanjeer (Maatam with knives hanging in chains) takes place. Then this jaloos marches across the streets of the town and arrive to Imambarah Haji Mohammed Husain, Mohalla Gulah Talaab and ends their first march here. After this the jaloos starts their second march from here and again ends here. In the end bread is distributed as Tabarruk.

8th Muharram:

The jaloos of 8th Muharram starts from Mohalla Katkooi Imambarah. It is the jaloos of Anjuman-e-Abdiya. On this date Marsiyekhawan is Janab ____________, who recite the “Sardaro Alandaar” marsiya. The jaloos starts from Mohallah Katkooi and goes to Mohalla Shorat where the people perform the maatam with blade and challa (ring with a blade). After that the jaloos marches to Mohalla Bazaar and then it goes through the streets of the town and ends at Imambargah where bread is distributed as Tabarruk.

9th Muharram:

On this day the jaloos is organized by Anjuman-e-Haidry starting from Imambarah Syed Tafazzul Husain ibn Syed Noor Mohalla Gulah Talaab. On this date Marsiyekhawan is Janab_____________. This jaloos goes to Mohalla Shahfreed via Mohalla Badi Imli. At his place people perform the maatam with blade and challa (ring with a blade). After that it goes to Mohalla Bazaar where Maatam-e-Zanjeer (Maatam with knives hanging in chains) and Qama (act of cutting head with knives or small swords) takes place. Then the jaloos goes to Mohalla Hafta Bazaar via Mohalla Hathawala. At this place Anjuman-e-Haidry perform “Aag ka Maatam” (people walks bare feet over the burning coal). It is organized by Haider Trust. On this occasion there is an arrangement of Projector for viewing this act. At last this jaloos goes to Imambarah Syed Noor and it ends here. Pulao (a dish of rice) is distributed as a Tabarruk on this day.

10th Muharram:
As we already mentioned that on this day Taaziya is carried by the person who starts their march from Mohalla Hafta Bazaar and then it goes through a specific root and ends its journey at the starting point. All the Anjumans behind the Taaziya goes to Karbala and ends their jaloos. At this place “Tosha” is distributed.

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